Oscar L.
San FranciscoCA

Full-stack Developer with Extensive Knowledge in Building MERN WebApps

I’m a React.js developer that can help you establish an online presence for your business. Together we can create an optimal solution that is catered to your establishment. With that said, I will provide a clear channel of communication from start to finish. Expect quick responses! I build and deploy performant and stunning web applications using React.js and other integrated JS libraries/frameworks. I have an eye for detail, and will make sure that your web application provides a smooth experience on any device. I’m a self-taught web developer as well, though I always welcome learning experiences from anyone. I’ve got 3 years of experience as a web developer. In this time I’ve provided my web development services to both individual clients and larger companies alike, and write a blog for publications online. My expertise is focused primarily around MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js). I’m also familiar with various UI libraries, such as MUI and Bit.dev. I have an extensive knowledge of 3rd party packages that can be implemented based on the client’s needs (Redux, Styled Components, ApolloGraphQL, etc). I’m also able to optimize code that is in development and have it ready for production. I can implement bundlers such as Webpack to minify your web application’s code, thus ensuring delivery of a more performative, production-ready product. Is your application in need of state management? I am knowledgeable in various solutions for state management, such as implementing a Redux store or using React’s Context API. I can also request third-party APIs for a wide variety of payloads as needed, such as inventories, user databases, payment processing, even delivery tracking. Needless to say that in this day in age, mobile platforms have become the primary tool for browsing the web. If a responsive web application isn’t what you need, I can also build mobile applications using React Native, that can be run on both Android and iOS platforms. Feel free to get in touch at any time. Thanks for visiting!

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  • API
  • Figma
  • Next.js
  • Web Application
  • SQL
  • React Native

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