Johnnie O.
New YorkNY
100% Job Success
Top Rated Plus

Expert Web Designer Specializing in WordPress

Greetings, I'm Johnnie J. O'Dell Jr., with a seasoned track record of over 20 years in WordPress website development. My expertise extends across a spectrum of website categories, including Starter, Themed, Custom, and eCommerce, with a particular proficiency in the use of WordPress plugins. My commitment has always been to enable individuals and businesses to achieve their objectives through WordPress solutions. Having collaborated with a diverse clientele worldwide, I take pride in the fulfillment derived from seeing their visions successfully realized. The intricacies of web design are challenges I approach with dedication, always emphasizing the delivery of exceptional work within the required timelines. Beyond website development, I offer comprehensive SEO services. The realm of Search Engine Optimization is integral to elevating your digital presence and enhancing the discoverability of your website. My approach is systematic and data-driven, ensuring that your site is optimized for search engines improving visibility. The SEO strategies are designed to increase inbound inquiries and customer engagement by an impressive 20-40% within a 6-9 month period. This entails: Developing a SEO strategy that aligns with your website’s specific needs. Implementing technical SEO to enhance site structure and search engine indexing efficiency. Crafting compelling content that not only engages visitors but also establishes your site's authority. Continual performance monitoring and optimization to secure and expand your online footprint. In the realm of SEO, precision and adaptability are key. I am dedicated to refining and advancing your website's position within the competitive digital landscape, ensuring it garners the attention and traffic it deserves. I am looking forward to discussing how we can propel your website to new heights with tailored SEO strategies. Kind regards, Johnnie J. O'Dell Jr.

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  • WordPress
  • WordPress Plugin
  • WordPress e-Commerce
  • YouTube Marketing
  • SEO Content
  • SaaS Development
  • Ecommerce Website